Off-Grid Appliances Everyone Should Have In Their Home

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  • Off-Grid Appliances Everyone Should Have In Their Home

For a homesteader, it is important to be prepared for any situation, including how to continue your day-to-day functions in the case of an emergency.

With a variety of off-grid appliances for your home, you can continue cooking and cleaning, even if your power goes out for an extended period.

Just because there is no power doesn’t mean that you have to give up all your conveniences. Let’s look at some of the most important off-grid appliances you can get.

Solar-Powered Refrigerator

These coolers are not only solar-powered, but they are also portable.

This means that you will be able to move your cooler from room to room.

Whether you are storing cold drinks or some food for lunch, this portable fridge will live up to its hype.

What To Do With All Your Frozen Food Once The Power Goes Out

Though some solar-powered refrigerators require you to have a solar system already in place, there is also the option to purchase a large solar panel to run it.

Composting Toilet

These are perfect for RV’s and camping, but they can also be useful if your off-grid home is temporarily out of running water.

You can include a vent and a fan to help ventilate any odors out of the room, but the vent and fan can easily be run off of a solar panel.

Not only will you have a comfortable and fresh place to use the restroom with this composting toilet, but you also have the option of emptying the compost on top of your normal compost pile.

Gas-Powered Lamps

Staying in a dark house just because the power is out is no one’s idea of a good evening.

But, with a gas-powered lamp, your night will be as bright as possible, even without the modern wonder of electricity.

Gas lamps are even more convenient than other off-grid light options, because there are no wicks or batteries to replace. Simply hook up to gas, and enjoy up to 11 hours of light.

Propane-Powered Stove

With this stove, you will still be able to cook complete meals for your family even without the convenience of your normal stove.

These stoves are available in options that run off of propane, butane, and both.

There are even full-sized stoves and ovens available that run off of propane, so you will not have to compromise your meal sizes.

Related: How To Make A Solar Stove

If you are looking for something even more off-grid, there are even wood-burning stoves that not only allow you to cook your food but will also warm your home at the same time.

Solar Dehydrator

If you spend a lot of time in your personal garden, or if you set aside an animal every year for the butcher, you are going to need a way to preserve some of your meat or some of your harvest.

Related: How to Dehydrate Chicken for Survival 

A solar dehydrator is just the thing that you have been looking for. Traditional dehydrators use a lot of electricity, so a solar-powered one will save you a lot of money on your electric bill.

Solar-Powered Air Conditioning

Nothing is more miserable than not having any electricity in the middle of a hot, summer day.

You are sure to be sweaty, and you will definitely not want to do anything.

Luckily, there is an option to run your A/C on solar power.

This will limit the time you can run your unit at one time, but, in the meantime, you will be able to cool off while it is running. And there is nothing better than turning on your A/C right when you think you’re about to sweat to death.

Manual-Powered Laundry Machine

There is a certain convenience that comes with throwing your clothes in a modern-day laundry machine, but there is no denying that our ancestors were clever.

Related: How to Make Your Own Semi-Automatic Off the Grid Washing Machine (No Electricity)

These off-grid laundry machines are reminiscent of the days of old, and it will require some old-fashioned manual labor to watch clothes in small batches.

There are also larger, solar-powered washer-spinners that will allow you to wash more clothes at once.

Stovetop Waffle Iron

This waffle iron is perfect to go on top of your propane-powered stove.

It will save you space and electricity in the long run.

Modern waffle irons are large and clunky, taking up a lot of counter space or storage space.

Related: 25 Powerless Appliances for Your Homestead Kitchen

This stovetop waffle iron is made of two cast iron sides, complete with a waffle design and connected with a small hinge. Simply pour in your batter, flip when ready, and enjoy some beautiful and hassle-free cast iron waffles.

Manual Food Processor

Manual food processors are used to mince, grind, dice, and blend raw or cooked food to make for easier meal prep.

The best part is that it is manual; meaning that it requires no form of energy besides your muscles.

On most models, there is a crank that needs to be turned that will in turn rotate the blade inside the processor. Some models come with a cord that you pull instead of the crank.

Sure, electric appliances are all the rage and people absolutely love them, but they are not foolproof. When the electricity goes out, all of those appliances are at least temporarily useless.

However, when you supply your homestead with appliances that will work even when the power goes out, you will be able to go about your day as normal.

No longer will you have to hustle to make sure none of your frozen or refrigerated food goes bad. No longer will you have to take cold showers. Simply turn on your off-grid appliances, and continue your happy, off-grid life.

70+ Projects To Survive A World Without Electricity

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