Heightened police presence results in multiple suspect arrests in South Africa

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  • Heightened police presence results in multiple suspect arrests in South Africa


Over 600 suspects were arrested between 27 December 2022 and 2 January 2023 in the Garden Route District, Western Cape, South Africa as police visibility was enhanced significantly.

The operations – under the theme of ‘more boots on the ground towards enhanced police visibility’ – were conducted by various police units, including members attached to the Garden Route Crime Combatting Team, Rural Flying Squad, Public Order Police, Crime Intelligence, K9 and crime prevention units.

As well as 683 suspect arrests, the operations resulted in the confiscation of drugs with an estimated street value of R250 000. Police operations included roadblocks, vehicle checkpoints, high density patrols, foot patrols at malls and beaches and more.

As reported by SAnews.gov.za, the South African Police Service (SAPS) commented: “All operations were conducted in conjunction with Western Cape Provincial Traffic, Municipal Traffic and Law Enforcement of local authorities, security companies as well as community safety structures (neighbourhood watches, farm watches and street committees).

“Substance abuse remains one of the biggest contributors to serious and violent crimes in this region. Focused operations led to the arrest of 141 suspects for drug related offences, 131 for possession of drugs and ten for dealing in drugs.”


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