Chicago Public Schools Has a Murderer and Drug Dealer Working in its ‘Safe Passage’ Program for Kids in Dangerous Neighborhoods

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  • Chicago Public Schools Has a Murderer and Drug Dealer Working in its ‘Safe Passage’ Program for Kids in Dangerous Neighborhoods
School Children walk a safe passage route along 63rd Street Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2014, in Chicago. Chicago children returned to school Tuesday walking past even more guards than last year, when concerns about safety prompted the city to line the streets with 1,200 adults every day. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green)

Chicago Public Schools implemented the “Safe Passage Program” a few years ago to help kids navigate gang-infested streets to and from their schools each day. The program, according to CPS, provides positive, trusted adults to help escort school children. While that sounds nice on paper, the program has bigger programs including a staffer with a murder conviction, dealing drugs and selling at least one stolen gun to an undercover cop.

What is “Safe Passage?” From Chicago Public Schools website . . .

Sergio Gomez, left and Miguel Morales

In 1993, Mr. Morales was convicted of murder and sentenced to 45 years in prison. Of course in Illinois, prison sentences work a lot like dog years in reverse so Mr. Morales was released from prison early. Morales then applied for and received a part-time job as a Chicago Public Schools “Safe Passage” guardian.

In his spare time since last November, according to Chicago Police, he sold cocaine on the side and who knows what else to an undercover cop. Oh yeah, he sold the cop a gun too, for good measure.

So a convicted murderer — and current drug and weapon dealer — who spent a couple of decades in prison now serves as a positive, trusted adult presence for students who live in some of Chicago’s toughest neighborhoods.

Image via Facebook (Chicago Public Schools)

On Monday, I called the communications people at CPS. I asked them if they could provide me with the total number of convicted murderers, sex offenders and drug dealers currently employed as Safe Passage workers or elsewhere for the Chicago Public Schools. They refused to comment on the phone and asked that I email an inquiry. I did that, sending the request to [email protected] as well as to the three senior members of the school system’s management listed on the communications webpage.

They did not furnish a reply.

So, how many drug dealers, killers, and sex offenders does Chicago Public Schools employ either directly or through “community-based organizations?” How many are they hiding from parents and members of the public? That’s a good question, one the CPS isn’t anxious to answer.

CWB Chicago has the gory details or Mr. Morales . . .

Two gang intervention workers, one of whom is also a Safe Passage worker, sold a gun to an undercover Chicago police officer during a long-term narcotics investigation, prosecutors said Saturday. Both men are also convicted murderers.

Assistant State’s Attorney Zachary Peasall said that the arrests were part of a “complex” drug investigation that has been going on since November.

On December 7, 49-year-old Miguel Morales sold about 30 grams of cocaine to an undercover officer for $1,200 and then reported for work as a Safe Passage employee in the 6300 block of South Rockwell, Peasall said. The officer allegedly bought cocaine from Morales “several” other times during the course of the investigation.

On December 7, 49-year-old Miguel Morales sold about 30 grams of cocaine to an undercover officer for $1,200 and then reported for work as a Safe Passage employee in the 6300 block of South Rockwell, Peasall said. The officer allegedly bought cocaine from Morales “several” other times during the course of the investigation.

Then, on January 20, Morales allegedly went with an undercover officer to the illegal gun sale. According to Peasall, Morales remained on the phone with the officer while the officer entered another car to purchase the weapon from Sergio Gomez, 52, for $1,000 cash.

Gomez was convicted of murder in 1994 and received a 40-year sentence. Morales was convicted of murder in 1993 and received a 45-year sentence.

You can only imagine how thorough the CPS’s background check process must be. If you’re not paying attention to who works around your kids or grandkids, you should be.

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