Antibiotic Herbs And Plants To Grow Before SHTF

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  • Antibiotic Herbs And Plants To Grow Before SHTF

We know the sinking feeling of being unprepared at the onset of any infection. “Oh! We say in hindsight,  I wish I had x, y or z!”.

Antibiotics are medicinal substances that inhibit the growth of or destroy microorganisms.

Look at the following list, and grow whatever possible to create remedies to remain ahead of the curve.

Prepare antibiotic tinctures for herbs by covering one cup of the dried herb in a one-quart jar with two cups of 80-proof vodka.

Store in a cool dark place for between twenty to thirty days. Strain the herb into a clean one-quart glass jar.

Related: How To Make Your Own Herbal Tincture

Blessed Thistle (Cnicus Benedictus)

One can easily forage or grow this prickly herb. Please harvest it using gloves and cut off the stickers.

Holy Thistle, its other name, is a multipurpose antibiotic ally.

Used as tincture, it breaks up respiratory mucus, increases immunity, decreases harmful bacteria and fevers, cleanses the liver, aids circulation.

When applied topically, it becomes an analgesic.

Echinacea (Echinacea Spp. Compositae)

It’s a finicky herb to grow, yet absolutely worth the effort.

Veteran herbalists report that taking an acute dosage of this herb every three hours for three days quells yellow respiratory mucus, pus, puffy sores, venomous bites, poison oak or ivy, and other acute inflammatory conditions.

Even used extensively, in most cases, there are no contraindications.

Olive Leaf (Olea Europea)

Growing and maintaining olive trees in warmer climates is common.

But did you know that the olive leaf is making a comeback as an antibiotic?

It fights infection and decreases viral symptoms, inflammation, high blood sugar, and fevers.

Check with a qualified practitioner if you have high blood pressure before using it.

Oregano (Oreganum Vulgare)

Oregano is easy to grow in a sunny area, kills bacteria, fungi, parasites, and microbes, and calms the nerves.

Ingesting oregano tincture is one way to heal infections.

However, the essential oil of oregano is easily found online or in a natural foods store.

It’s an investment you can travel with. Use as the label directs.

Yarrow (Achillea Millefolium)

Grow this gentle herb to help the whole family during cold, cough, and flu season.

Remarkably, a simple poultice with yarrow, packing the fresh or dried herb directly on a wound, will stop bleeding. It’s a superior herb for lowering fevers.

Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon Californicum)

One can grow this herb in dry western habitats. Often it’s found wild near chaparral plants, another antibiotic.

It is also known as ‘Holy Herb’ or ‘Mountain Balm’.

Yerba Santa is an herb that reduces upper respiratory congestion.

Most indigenous tribes of the Pacific Northwest and the Cahuila have used this plant for centuries.

Thyme (Thymus Vulgaris)

A common garden herb, thyme grows well in reasonably sunny, well-drained soil.

Make a compress using thyme tea to soothe skin infections.

The following syrup subdues respiratory and digestive infections and reduces cough spasms.

It can be used as a restorative gargle when you lose your voice.

Place a cup of thyme in a quart jar and cover it with raw honey. After twenty to thirty days, strain the honey into a new, clean glass jar and put the cap on.

Related: How to Make Pine Syrup at Home (Step by Step Guide With Pictures)

Store in a cool dark place. When any internal infection symptoms are detected, soothe them by taking one teaspoon of thyme-infused honey every four hours.

Rub the syrup over a small wound and cover it with a bandage to heal an infection.

Burdock (Article Minus)

Grow this user-friendly plant and harvest the young root.

Chop vegetables full of color, like fresh carrots and greens, including immune-boosting mushrooms.

Add a few cloves of garlic, and then your chopped burdock root.

Mix all ingredients well in a stockpot. Bring to a boil and bring to a medium simmer for 15 minutes.

Turn the burner off and let the ingredients rest in a hot liquid. Highly medicinal, this soup alleviates cold, cough, and flu symptoms. Consume twice daily.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa, C. Aromatica)

Turmeric is grown in nourishing potted soil in full sun.

Turmeric is a superior antibiotic for healing all types of infections, especially wounds.

Mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder with three teaspoons of warm milk.

Place the turmeric paste directly on a wound and cover it with a small clean square of cotton cloth.

Let it sit for 20 minutes to one-half hour. Repeat as needed until the wound heals.

Yellow Dock (Rumex Crispus)

Yellow dock is easy to find in your background and just as easy to grow in a sunny area with decent soil.

Indigenous tribes across the Northern and Central areas of the U.S. used the leaves for sustenance, just like spinach. They boiled and mashed the root to hemorrhoids and infected breast tissue.

Place three tablespoons of mashed root on a cloth four by four inches. Place it over the infection with a clean cloth the same size.

Let it sit for several hours, then replace it. Repeat until the infection subsides.

Cayenne (Capsicum Annum)

Growing cayenne pepper is easy in good soil and a sunny location. Dehydrate and powder it for long-term storage.

To heal respiratory or digestive illnesses, boil one and a half cups of water with a teaspoon of grated ginger and ¼ teaspoon of cayenne powder, for 15 minutes.

After boiling, add a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of lemon.

Take note that ginger, lemon and honey all have antibiotic qualities in varying strengths – combined, however, they’re a powerhouse. Drink this tea three to four times daily.

Mullein (Verbascum Thapsus)

Grow this majestic plant in full sun, or often discover it at the edge of your driveway.

Mullein is a gentle herb that stops coughing spasms in children and the elderly, it’s known for reducing ear infections.

What Happens If You Smoke Mullein?

In a small saucepan, heat one tablespoon of olive oil, one teaspoon of dried mullein, and a half teaspoon of minced garlic clove on low for two minutes.

Let it cool, and strain the oil into a dropper bottle. Drop one drop in the affected ear canal and repeat the treatment before bed.

Ginger (Asarum Canadense)

Yes, it is possible to grow ginger, especially in a pot with just the right amount of sun.

For respiratory or digestive infections, take ½ cup of the powdered herb and wrap it in two layers of cotton cloth, twisting the cloth and securing it with a long tie.

Drop the bundle in two quarts of water and boil the water for 20 minutes. Pour the hot liquid into a hot bath and soak in the bathtub letting the skin pores absorb the benefits.

Dry your skin, dress warmly, and get into bed.

Oak (Quercus, Spp., Faceae)

Oak trees are easy to find and easy to grow. Once grown, you’ll have medicine for life. Many indigenous tribes called the oak tree the tree of life.

A tea made from the bark can be used as a mouthwash for canker sores, decrease a bronchial infection, and even alleviate dysentery.

One can collect the acorns, crack them, remove the nut meat and grind it into a paste, adding a few tablespoons of hot water.

Take a cotton cloth five by five inches and slather the acorn paste in the center, leaving about an inch border around the square.

Place the acorn mush poultice on top of a sore or skin infection to reduce unwanted microbes and remove toxins from the infected area.

Building an antibiotic apothecary builds confidence and resilience and saves time and money.

With minimal effort, not only will your family thank you but neighbors and friends as well.

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