7 Simple Tips on How to Improve Small Business Security and Safety

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Business owners invest a lot of time and money in the success of their companies. Unfortunately, small business security is at significant risk when it comes to crime and property loss. There is a risk for shoplifting, burglary, vandalism, and more. These types of crimes cost US businesses billions of dollars every year, and much of it can be prevented.

If you want to protect your small business security from crime, you need to pay special attention to your alarm systems practices. In this article, we are going to produce small business owners with a few practical tips that can help prevent crime and protect them against loss.

1. Check Doors and Windows

Most business owners do not spend much time thinking about the quality of their doors and windows. As long as they shut and lock, they think the doors and windows provide adequate protection. As a small business owner, you should not settle for just having standard doors and windows. You want to make sure they can effectively protect against break-ins.

You should consider installing doors made from reinforced wood or steel. If your doors are made from glass, consider roll-down safety gates. You could also consider reinforcing frames with metal plates and reinforced strike boxes. If you have a room where safe or other valuables are stored, you may want to invest in stronger interior doors for these areas.

2. Upgrade to Smart Locks

Along with checking the quality of your doors, you also need to inspect your locks. If your locks are of poor quality, they should be replaced. For an added alarm system, you should also think about installing smart locks as a measure for improved access control.

With smart locks, you have an access control system that can overcome some of the issues that come with having a physical key. Instead of issuing keys that can be copied or stolen, you can give employees unique access codes. When an employee leaves the company, you don’t have to worry about getting the key back; all you have to do is remove their access code from the system. As an additional benefit, smart locks can keep access records so you know who is accessing which door at different times.

3. Install Alarm Cameras

A lot can go wrong at a business and having a video record of events can go a long way toward protecting your business if a crime occurs. With strategically placed cameras, you can capture important evidence against potential shoplifters, violent criminals, vandals, burglars, and employees that may commit crimes against your business.

In addition to providing vital evidence in the event of a crime, CCTV cameras offer considerable value because they are one of the most effective crime deterrents. When criminals see cameras, they recognize the additional risk of being caught and this will often cause them to think twice.

4. Manage Valuable Assets

Most businesses have valuable assets that can be attractive targets for criminals. When it comes to cash and other valuables, you want to do what you can to protect these items and make them less of a protection threat to your business.

For cash, you just want to think of many of your practices when it comes to handling money. You should only count money in secure areas and only allow access to trusted personnel. If you have a safe, it should be kept somewhere secure and the combination should only be shared with trusted individuals.

When you consider expensive equipment or high-value inventory, you need to think about how you store these items. When the day’s business is done, make sure they can be locked in a secure area. If you have anything of exceptional value, make sure it cannot be seen from the windows when the business is closed.


5. Improve Exterior Lighting

Poorly lit exteriors can be an invitation to crime. Many businesses have poor lighting on the sides or near the back of the structure and this can increase the risk of different types of crimes. Consider adding lights in areas that are dark and make sure your side and back exits are well lit. Additionally, you want to make sure your parking area has good lighting to prevent crime.

One good option is to consider installing motion lights for areas that do not see a lot of traffic. With lights that are motion-activated, you can ensure that the area has the light it needs when it needs it, but you do not have to spend extra money lighting the area when it is not in use. You could also consider installing smart lights on the interior. Smart lights can mimic the activity of an occupied structure and this will give burglars the impression that there are people there when the building is empty.

6. Nightly Safety Protocols

As a business owner, you should develop a protocol for when the business closes at the end of the day. If you set a specific routine for closing time, you are less likely to forget important safety measures when you leave. Develop this plan and teach it to any employee that may need to close the structure up for the night.

A proper alarm protocol could include some different things. Your nightly safety protocols should consist of checking and locking all doors and windows, securing valuable assets, checking different areas of the property for small business security issues, setting the wireless alarm, and more.

7. Install Affordable Business Alarm Systems

Having the right business alarm system integration can make a significant difference. Even if your business already has an alarm system, you may want to consider its age. Surveillance system technology has come a long way in the last few years, and there could be significant benefits to upgrading to a smart alarm system that is customized for the needs of your business.

With newer small business security systems, everything can be integrated into one system along with automation features to provide a more comprehensive solution for small business alarm systems. These more modern systems can provide intrusion protection, CCTV cameras, access control, fire protection, and automation features for things like lights and HVAC all in one program. It’s a more efficient way to manage the business, and it provides protection that outperforms the alarm system.

Cornerstone Protection is the top business alarm systems in Central Kentucky. We can come out and assess the alarm concerns of your business to design a customized small business security system that is made to meet the needs of your company. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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