The Six Most Important Pieces Of Fly Fishing Gear For Newcomers

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  • The Six Most Important Pieces Of Fly Fishing Gear For Newcomers


To complete the basics of your set, you need something that the fish will want to bite on.

Live bait is the traditional choice, and nightcrawlers (small worms) are almost universally recommended as the best starting point.  They’re incredibly cheap and readily available, easy to work with, and relatively non-messy.  Plus, virtually any freshwater fish will eat them.

However, to vary things up – or for new fishers who are squeamish about live bait – you should also pick up a few lures.  For beginners, spinner lures are among the best options.  These move about on their own within the water, creating realistic vibrations that attract fish.  Other lures typically require the angler to be a bit more active, moving the line and slowly reeling it in, to simulate the movement of a creature in distress.

At this point, you have the basics covered, but there are still a couple other pieces of equipment which are highly recommended.


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