SHOT Show: DPMS Panther 9mm Compact Concept Pistol

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DPMS Panther 9mm compact pistol

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DPMS was quietly showing off a new concept pistol at SHOT last week, the Panther 9mm compact.

DPMS Panther 9mm compact pistolSince the Remington bankruptcy, DPMS is now owned by Palmetto State Armory, so they’re building the Panther on the very successful PSA Dagger 9mm frame.

The DPMS Panther 15+1 compact 9mm pistol will have a 3.9″ barrel, an optic-ready slide cut and will fit GLOCK 19 holsters. It will also be conveniently compatible with lots of PSA Dagger accessories. If I remember correctly, the final production version will have a flat trigger shoe as well.

This looks to be a great, feature-packed, affordable EDC pistol for those on a budget.

Look for DPMS to make an announcement later this year. MSRP for the base Panther will be about $349. They’ll also sell a “tac pack” version for around $419. It’s not clear what that will include, but a threaded barrel, night sights and an extended magazine seem like good bets.

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