Is the fact that you would like to learn how to conserve energy and help out Mother Earth but just don’t know how to get started making you feel really bad… maybe you have even thought about just giving up?
Does it seem like you’ve tried everything in your power to learn how to live green when it comes to energy, and no matter how hard you try and despite your commitment to the issue, you’re still plagued with:
• Not knowing what is needed to get started
• Not understanding alternative fuels
• Not knowing how to use fuel conservation techniques
If this describes you, you have definitely come to the right place today…
An inconvenient truth was a documentary about how the earth’s temperatures are rising, the polar ice caps are melting and the oceans are rising. Decade after decade we hear news about climate change, increasing pollution with more and more animals and people getting sick. Basically, the story was all about how the earth will die if we won’t do something about it.