Combat Shooter

Inside the Combat Shooter system you will learn and quickly master
carbine and pistol skills including…

  • The QSQ Draw

    which enables you to clear your holster with lightning speed. The truth is you will need to make sure you’ve got a good handle on your pistol…

  • Why And When

    to transition from your primary shoulder fired weapon to your secondary weapon with lightning speed (almost all special operators and teams get this wrong).

  • The P2S Principle

    the secret to engaging threats from all locations with laser like accuracy. Using this principle will enable you to effortlessly engage multiple attackers.

  • The O2 Flow Method

    this is the simple mind switch you will activate to ensure you can make decisions in a fraction of the time it takes your attacker…

  • The 7 foot Rule

    that introduces an Angle of Attack that makes you virtually invisible to those seeking to do you harm (this is an incredible skill for hunters).

And I barely have time to mention skills such as the simple tweak that improves your shooting speed and accuracy 7x…

The one thing you should NEVER do when engaging the enemy in a gun battle. (…Get this wrong and instead of saving the day, you will be in front of a board of inquiry… or worse!…)

The NO Light Fast Fight tactic which is how you will follow up round after round after round with incredible accuracy and precision.

The Philosophy Of Natural Movement — in which you will learn the intricacies of using your body’s natural movements and physical progressions to enhance speed.

The IA3 Drill — guns are machines and all machines break. The problem is for every different gun there is a different drill to get it back up and firing in as little time as possible.

We take all the different possible scenarios and apply 1 drill to speed up your response and enable you to react under life and death stress.

The one skill that will change your shooting almost instantly — the Sight Right Strategy. This is the simple drill that keeps you from losing valuable seconds in the most critical moment of a gun fight.

And also, you will understand and utilize the Gage & Stage Tactic which turns your skill level from that which is common to a level which is uncommonly exceptional. It ties speed to your shooting like no other skill…

And much more…

Finally this previously undisclosed shooting system is available to
the civilian population for the very first time…

And now you too can attain the same accurate, safe, simple and
reliable shooting skills that even elite military and law enforcement
operators are raving about…

First I have a question for you…

Can you feel that?

Your heart beating…

That incredible desire to master this system…

To be able to do this stuff…

To have this power?

To possess incredible confidence in you skills?

To have control over the protection of your home, your family and even your country?

Let me ask you, how much is it worth to you to never feel “afraid” of letting down your loved ones because you lacked the skill to protect them?

How much is it worth to you to feel like your weapon is an extension of your body and your will?

How much is it worth to NEVER wonder if you would be able to do what it takes when faced with the chaos of an active shooter or home invader?

Imagine that for a second…

Really let yourself feel what that would be like…

And then tell me…

What do you think would be a fair price to know with certainty that you
can protect yourself and your loved ones — and gain absolute CONTROL
over terrorists and criminals who intend you harm?

If you’re being completely honest with yourself, I bet you’d say $197 or more would be totally fair to feel that kind of confidence…

…to know you have the POWER to take down a violent threat with justified force…

(Heck, I bet you’d think that was cheap to never feel “doubt” or “worry” about your family’s safety for the rest of your life…)

I mean, $197 is a lot of money, but considering how this will change your life forever and finally give you complete self-assurance so you can spend your time LIVING your life instead of looking over your shoulder and wondering what you could do if a violent gunman threatened your loved ones…

Well, when you look at it that way it seems pretty affordable, doesn’t it?

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