PDQ Smart Locks are a cloud based access control solution. They are a safe, convenient and simple solution to keyless entry. PDQ Smart Locks lets you unlock your lock using your smart phone or smart watch, or by entering a pin code at the keypad. Simply download the Smart Lock App onto your android or apple device. Register the lock onto the app, and then simply add or remove users (i.e. grant or revoke access rights), schedule lock/unlock events, or retrieve an audit trail of who used the lock at what time.
PDQ Smart Locks are extremely secure, and use AES 128 bit/Cipher Block Chaining encryption for communication between the app and the lock.
If you are looking to install a new smart lock, or want to upgrade your existing mechanical lock to a smart lock, PDQ Smart locks offer quick, easy and affordable installation. No hardwiring is required. You do not require any major IT infrastructure or an IT person to setup the lock. The locks are powered by Bluetooth 5.0 communications and 4-AA batteries and the locks continue to operate even when there is a power outage.
PDQ Smart locks are categorized into Stand-alone Smart Locks (STP), Mobile Based/Bluetooth Access Control locks (STS) and Networked Access Control locks (XLS).
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