Organic Roots: Sunsoil Creative Showcase

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  • Organic Roots: Sunsoil Creative Showcase


At very first glance, Sunsoil, a Vermont-based organic CBD company, may seem like “one of many” when it comes to the increasingly saturated CBD supplement market. But a look through their website, their branding and even a cursory second glance at their story will leave you happily surprised.

The company proudly does things differently than the other guys, hanging their hats on processes that can be traced back to their farms, their lab and the people that make it all run. They do things simply and they do them the right way. Sunsoil’s products are built from the ground up. Every seedling is grown organically in naturally nutrient-rich soil and harvested by the hands of fairly paid members of the local community.

But with the CBD market exploding and considerable advertising restrictions placed on the market, Sunsoil came to KSV with a challenge: they needed to further differentiate their brand from the competition and increase awareness and purchase intent among potential customers.

In keeping with the Sunsoil brand and guiding principles, we knew we could successfully achieve their goals with a less-is-more, keep-it-simple kind of approach. Simply put, we told their truth. 

To reach their intended audiences with the advertising restrictions placed on the CBD and supplement industry, we had to get creative, ultimately deciding on a mix of pre-roll and connected television to share Sunsoil’s uniquely transparent, honest and simple but resonant story. 

The result? Brand awareness increased by 50% and consumer purchase intent increased by 38%. 

Check out the full campaign below:










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