How To Cook Steak On A Stone In The Wilderness

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Being self-sufficient is one thing, but nailing a steak on a fire, now that is really off-grid living.

Whether you live off grid for survival or pleasure, being able to find tools in the wilderness for cooking is both achievable and exciting.

To be successful in cooking a steak on a stone comes from finding the perfect stone, something not too thick but definitely not too small. Here’s a guide to stone cooking – because we didn’t always have pots and pans.

Find Your Stone

This stone should be roughly one inch thick, keeping the stone at this size means it will heat up at an efficient rate rather than having to wait for hours for the stone to gain enough heat to cook a steak.

Related: 7 Primitive Cooking Methods You Still Need To Know Today

It is so important to remember that rocks full of moisture can explode when heated. Try to avoid glassy-looking rocks and go for a more rough rock. Granite is a great choice and is what we have used here.How To Cook Steak On A Stone In The Wilderness

Build Your Fire

We have dug a hole about 6 inches deep to ensure the flames stay inside the hole which will in turn help to create an oven like effect which will direct the flame onto the stone.

We found two large pieces of fire wood to hold the stone up, placed dry leaves, sticks and more fire wood beneath the stone.How To Cook Steak On A Stone In The Wilderness

Light Your Fire

Whether you like to light the fire from scratch or use a match or blowtorch, that is up to you. But it is handy for emergency and survival situations to know how to light a fire with the tools you have at your finger tips in the wilderness.

Dead branches are the perfect fire starter. Not only are fires great to keep warm but they are even better for cooking a hole

When lighting a fire for cooking its important to make sure you keep the fire going, so have ample amount of wood, kindling and dry leaves near by to keep topping up your fire.

Related: How To Dig A Native American Dakota Fire Hole

Ensure your wood is untreated and clean. Maple, hickory and oak wood are great choices for cooking on a camp wood

Cooking Steak On A Stone

Now the easy part, getting ready to put the steak on, once the stone has heated up, pour oil onto both the stone and the steak. You will want to use a canola or vegetable oil.

Be sure to rub this onto the steak with your choice of seasoning. Allow the oil some time to heat up before placing your steak, seasoning side down onto the hot stone.How To Cook Steak On A Stone In The Wilderness

Leave the steak to cook for 5 minutes, before flipping this over, then no more than 4 minutes on the reverse side, this will of course vary depending on the thickness of the steak.

Related: 11 Meat Processing Mistakes You Are Probably Making Right Now

Remove the steak from the stone and place on a chopping board or rock to rest for a further 3-5 minutes.How To Cook Steak On A Stone In The Wilderness

Eat and enjoy, the taste of flame grill with a side of freedom from electricity and power makes for a delicious dinner.

Key Points To Consider

Give your chosen stone a scrub before use, the heat will also help to kill any bacteria. The thinner the stone – the quicker it will heat up.

Don’t forget to put your fire out when you are done if you no longer have a use for it, this can easily be done by dousing the fire and fire bed with water and ensure it is cool enough before filling back in the hole you dug prior to cooking.

Related: 94 Wilderness Survival Tricks

Ensure you have a good look around the area before you begin, many areas of North American forest and grassland hold flammable materials that can lead to wildfires.

Having a good understanding of the weather is a must. Wet wood is not a good source of heat for a campfire to cook on.

Never chose your stone from next to or in a watering hole, this stone will likely have trapped water which is an indicator it will likely explode when heated.

If you find a great stone, you can certainly hold onto it. Just ensure once it is cooled down to give it a clean, you now have a frying pan for life. Dried grass can be a helpful cleaning tool for the rock, especially in a SHTF situation.

A flint striker is a handy little tool for surviving in the wilderness where matches aren’t always a viable option.

Seasoned hard woods will create less smoke when compared to other woods, this can be especially handy if trying to remain unnoticed.

If lucky enough to have other food to accompany your steak, such as vegetables, cook these on the same stone while the steak is resting, allowing the vegetables to soak up the meat juices and use the remaining oil.

Self-sufficiency in today’s economic climate is so very important. Life can be unpredictable and being able to both fend for yourself and provide for a family is essential.

Being able to live off-grid for either survival or pleasure is a skill that is often overlooked by the everyday person but for those who want to be prepared for anything, it can be the difference between life and death.

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