Gun Meme of the Day: Alpaca What I Want Edition

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I can do that. New York passed a new, particularly horrendous anti-carry law that, among other things, made pretty much the whole state a “sensitive area”, such that it is impossible to carry except on streets and sidewalks. (In fact, the new law is far more restrictive of the carry law found unconstitutional in Bruen, and NY can hardly show that people were being harmed under the old law that, but for “good cause” remains in effect.) A number of law suits were filed, and injunctions were issued in all of them.
After the trial courts issued a preliminary injunctions (not a final injunction) preventing multiple aspects of the new New York law from going into effect, the State appealed these interim rulings and sought an immediate stay from the Second Circuit pending appeal. As you may all recall, the Second Circuit is particularly anti-gun and has approved every gun control law that has come before it. So unsurprisingly, it issued a stay, in a four sentence ruling saying that it had reviewed the “relevant authorities,” was satisfied that the elements had been satisfied, and issued the requested stay.
Plaintiffs filed an emergency petition with the Supreme Court asking it to order the Second Circuit to issue a real opinion stating the reasons for its decisions, i.e., which elements it found based on what evidence. (It probably can’t.) Justice Sotomayor is responsible for the Second Circuit, so it was she that decided the Second’s order granting the stay was inadequate, particularly as the stay will inevitably result in the loss of second amendment rights to everyone living in NY while the cases wind their way through the court system, and the absence of harm if the old carry restrictions remain in place.
TA DA! See, the Supreme Court does wield real power when it wants to.


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