By Bull Winkle
THE PENTAGON – To complete its mission in Afghanistan, the Department of Defense faces a task more harrowing than combat: getting its PCS voucher for mission and travel expenses approved.
Eileen Silva, Defense Travel System (DTS) level 25 approval authority at the White House Office of Management & Budget (OMB), is leading a resource management team reviewing expenses in the DOD’s travel voucher which numbers over 500 pages.
“This voucher is a new level of train wreck,” said Silva. “The only expense we haven’t seen yet is one for hookers and blow, and that’s probably because we’re still reading it.”
Several charges for building Afghan infrastructure and society present issues, starting with the mission’s 20-year span.
On the original travel authorization, the DOD selected “routine intervention/retaliatory beat-down” as the mission from the drop-down menu. “That’s usually one year and allowable expenses include carrie…
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