8 Tips on How to Reduce Electric Bill For AC

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Heating and cooling account for a significant portion of the average energy bill. With developments in Smart Home technology, homeowners can cut the cost of summer to reduce electric bill on air conditioning while maintaining a comfortable place all year round.

A Smart thermostat is designed to learn from activity in and around the house, and it can use what it learns to manage your apartment heating and cooling more efficiently. While the standalone Smart thermostats can offer some benefits, these devices perform better when they have access to more data.

How to Save Money on Air Conditioning

When your thermostat is connected to your security system, it can use information from the alarm system to do more. In this post, we are going to look at some of the ways Cornerstone Protection can help cool your Kentucky home by installing a Smart thermostat with your security alarm system.

  • Preventing the Loss of Cool Air
  • Automatically Save When Your Home is Secured
  • A Comfortable Temperature When You Return Home
  • Protecting Your Home HVAC System
  • Precision Comfort for Every Room
  • It Knows the Temperature Outside
  • Tracking Your Energy Usage
  • Control No Matter Where You Are

1. Preventing the Loss of Cool Air

When you have a thermostat connected to the system, the thermostat can also see when doors and windows are open, and it can adjust operation accordingly and reduce electric bill. From a security standpoint, this is useful because it helps the system detect the possibility of an intruder.

When you have a smart thermostat connected to the system, the thermostat can also see when doors and windows are open, and it can adjust operation accordingly. If the system recognizes that a door or window has been left open, it can turn the air conditioning down to reduce the electric bill. It can also send alerts to your phone to let you know the door or window is open, and when you go to close it, the thermostat will automatically return the air conditioning to the standard setting.

preventing the Loss of cool air reduce electric bill cornerstone protection

2. Automatically Save When Your Home is Secured

It can be easy to forget the thermostat during the early morning rush. With a thermostat connected to your alarm system, this is no longer a problem. When you arm your wireless system as you leave the house, the thermostat will respond by adjusting the temperature for the empty place.

As an additional benefit, you can also program the alarm panel to manage your lights and other home automation services along with the thermostat. You can also create “scenes” in different situations. As an example, you could create a bedtime scene to do everything you need in one simple step before going to bed.

comfortable temperature when you return home cornerstone protection

3. A Comfortable Temperature When You Return Home

It feels good to come home to a comfortable, climate-controlled house after a hard day’s work. With the Smart thermostats installed by CornerStone Protection, you can guarantee that your home will be nice and cool when you come back, and you won’t have to waste money keeping the haven comfortably cool when no one is in it.

With the CornerStone Protection app installed on your phone, the thermostat can use geolocation to know when you are coming back. When you set your alarm to the away state, the thermostat will automatically respond by setting the temperature back to save money. When you and your phone enter within a certain distance of the home, a signal is automatically sent to the thermostat letting it know that is time to start cooling for your arrival.

4. How to Save Money on HVAC

If your home HVAC system breaks down, it obviously cannot do its job. In addition to that, it can also lead to some costly repairs. With a Smart Thermostat, you can avoid many of these problems.

The newest Smart thermostats use machine learning to continuously monitor the operation of the system. If the device detects a trouble condition, it can provide you with an early warning so you can get the repairs performed before it becomes a serious problem.

protecting home hvac system cornerstone protection

5. Precision Comfort for Every Room

The problem with most Smart thermostats is that all of the sensors in the unit are. That means that it can only collect data from one room. With a Smart thermostat connected to your home alarm system, it can collect data from around the home to provide optimal comfort and efficiency no matter which room you are in.

With wireless temperature sensors, the system can provide precision comfort for different rooms at different times of the day. You could put a temperature sensor in your bedroom to ensure a comfortable night’s sleep or you could have one in the kitchen and program the system to keep things cool while you drink your morning coffee.

6. It Knows the Temperature Outside

With a connection to the internet, a Smart thermostat has access to information that goes beyond the conditions in the home. The Smart thermostats get real-time weather updates to help manage the efficient operation of the HVAC system.

With access to weather data, the thermostat can be programmed to respond to different weather and temperature conditions in different ways. If you want to save money when it gets too hot outside, you can program the thermostat to set itself back when the outside temperature goes above a certain reading.

7. Tracking Your Energy Usage

Smart thermostats collect and analyze a lot of information to help manage comfort and efficiency. Along with that, they can also process this information and provide you with useful reports on your energy consumption.

tracking your energy usage cornerstone protection
With an easy to read a report, you can see how much energy your home HVAC system is using. If you are trying to best way to save money with AC, you could then use these reports to set goals and find ways to cut back on energy consumption.


8. Control No Matter Where You Are

One of the best features of a Smart thermostat is that it allows you to control the whole system right from a phone or tablet. That means you can manage and monitor the system even when you are away from home. It can also send you temperature alerts when you are away, and it can notify you if the settings have been changed; as a result, it reduces your electric bill.

With the app on your phone, you can even use it as a remote control for your HVAC system. That means that you do not have to go to the thermostat if you want to make adjustments. You can even manage most of the settings and scheduling from your couch when you have the app on your smartphone or tablet.


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